Sunday, August 17, 2008


So I stumbled across this blog and found it very ummm intereting, funny, so true, probably a bit hurtful too some but all in all a dead on BLOG on how us morman bloggers phenomenon has taken over...
Go check it out for yourself and I'd really like some feedback on how you feel about it, its gotten lots of coments some love it, some thinks its incredibly rude, I think she makes some good points that most of us do the same thing, married ( in the temple of course with it splashed about) husband going to school, us either stay at home moms or working ourselves, and we are so in love :) I dont like how she thinks we are all friends but secrelty think we are better than eachother, I mean I Know I know my hair looks better than Amys and my house is so much bigger than Channa's, and I have a better calling than Keri, and Taylee Santa Fe ha my vacay was so much better than that!! BROTHER that bugs I think all of us are happy for eachother and love to see the new things we have been up too but whatever... One thing that has too stop for sure is if I hear BLEEDING LOVE BY LEONA LEWIS, LOVE SONG BY SARA BARELLIS I WILL SHOOT MYSELF :) But I love blogging about my girls and whats up I am going to turn this into my journal for sure, she does have me with the widget thing with the twilight series okay she can make fun of me for that i quess i'm embarresed with how much i love it!!! :) But go check it out.! And let me know what ya think.. Here is an article on it

By Molly Farmer
Mormon Times
Published: Monday, Jul. 21, 2008
She is way in love with her cute husband. She sells yummy-smelling candles. She hearts Stampin Up! and is super-excited to be preggers.

She is Tiffany/Amber/Megan/Nicole, and she's a composite character -- some might call her a stereotype. She's the voice behind "Seriously, so Blessed!" a satirical blog that is so true to form, you might not catch that all those exclamation points are meant to be ironic.

The site was created in June by an individual who prefers to remain anonymous but who via e-mail correspondence claims to be a married 25-year-old Mormon mom living in Utah. "Seriously, so blessed!" was intended to be a good-natured response to those perky mommy-blogs so prevalent in family circles.

"I made 'Seriously, so blessed!' one afternoon while our baby was napping last month, just as a joke for a couple of friends after laughing about how funny family blogs can get...the widgets, the enthusiasm, the tone, the whole bit," she said. "I definitely made it in good fun and not out of spite."

Riddled with cheeriness and superlatives, TAMN's blog is a hilarious spoof on the way women portray their family life for their readers. TAMN and her husband, Jordan/Jason/Wes/Taylor, have a fairy-tale romance. They live in a condo/townhouse/mini-mansion while JJWT attends law/dental/business/medical school -- take your pick. The site has been a hit in the few weeks it's been online, catching the eye of's Emily Jensen.

The author of "Seriously, so blessed!" says, "I figure the attention this is getting just shows what a hilarious phenomenon the married Mormon blog has become. TAMN combines everything entertaining and obnoxious in the blogs that make us all both laugh and cringe; I guess joking about them is an easier, more entertaining way to deal with it than barfing."


Ali said...

I seriously thought about doing that!!! ha ha LOVE THAT GIRL.

Amy Lou said...

I think it is hilarious :) I can totally see where she is coming from but, not gonna lie.. LOVE BLOGGING! I too am going to turn my blog into a journal at the end of the year!! BLOG ON BLOGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited to do your hair Sat :) YAY!

jakeychucky said...

Hey Jayci,you don't know me but I stumbled across your site because of Heidi Drake. She and I cheered together in high school. I just wanted to comment on how much I enjoy your playlist and how yours isn't like the typical one that has 5,000 country songs and 3 hip hop songs. Very diverse. Anyway, thanks for letting me listen!

Ashley E. said...

OMG!!! haha! That blog is hilarious! I'm so glad you showed to to me :)
PS. We need to have book club!!! haha :)