Wednesday, July 9, 2008


What a day! Today we went to the Funeral for little Maria Menchaca, Tomas worked with her father, he was the culinary assistant and worked two forty hour week jobs to support his beautiful family and it has been really sad to see something like this, The funeral was in spanish but it was really special to be there and know that little Maria is in Heaven... I hugged and Kissed Reese and Halle alot more tonight!

And then we went to Jayclyn's 7th birthday.. It really made me think how precious life is to go to a funeral for a 7 year old and then to a 7 year olds Birthday which was so much fun, it was at the park PIZZA WATERBALLONS AND FAMILY :) Forgot my darn camera though dang it! Happy B day Jayclyn we love you!

And then the crazy News Tomas's unit was put on HIGH ALERT the other day! The first time he went they went on High alert and was read a letter and the next drill he found out he was getting deploy'd... He got put on High Alert a few months ago but no letter just was told our unit is on High Alert don't leave utah! Well the other day the phone call came and the letter was read and he has to go to drill on Sunday and we really feel that its his time to go again! I can't really talk about it just yet without crying but I can blog about it and cry on my keyboard! The first time was hard yes but I was barly married and just went shopping and had a job and he came home early because he was injured!! This time will be so much more harder! I really don't think I have the strenghth to be a mother by myself I need Tomas I can't sleep when he gets home late, I can't wait till he comes home, And Reese just lights up when daddy comes home... I don't think I can deal with this.. But we will see on Sunday if he has to go for sure but Tomas really feel that its his time to serve again!


Lille and Timmy said...

Jayce!! I will be there for you 100%. I'm crying on my keyboard with you. Just remember that Tomas is your companion always and forever, and that you two have an amazing relationship and can get through anything. It's ok to cry and is completely understandable. I love ya girl, and will be there with ya every step of the way. And your girls can be proud Americans knowing that dad is serving their country for them. Love you!

Erin said...

I can't pretend I know how that feels to have my husband leave for long periods of time serving the country but I have so much respect for those that go and especially for those wives and kids left behind and for their dedication to one another. I hope whatever the outcome is for your little family that you will all be safe and be able to handle anything that comes your way. You guys are amazing. You are in my prayers!!

The Happy Holladay's said...

Hey Jayci, this is Heidi Holladay (Larsen) hope you don't mind I stumbled on your blog! Your family is cute. I had no idea your hubby was in the service. Mine is active duty and its been a crazy ride. He just got home from a 15 month tour about 6 months ago and he leaves again the first part of next year. Its hard but your one girl that can do it! I'd love to keep in touch feel free to check out my blog if you'd like! Good luck with everything and my prayers are with you!

Unknown said...

Oh Jayci...I'm so sorry. I am here for you ALWAYS! Everything happens for reason, even if you don't like it at first. Be strong.

Jared and Jess said...

I have so much respect for military families. My thoughts and prayers go out to you guys. I wish I lived in SLC so that we could hang out lots. Keep us updated.

Ashley E. said...

O HUN! I can't believe that. I know your crying on your keyboard but know that you can cry on my shoulder! I'm totally crying right now so I can't imagine how you feel. Don't forget I only live a couple blocks away.. OKAY! I love ya! :)

Brooke said...

Wow Jayci, I can't even imagine! I am just like you with Brian, he has to do overnighters with the scouts sometimes and that kills me! We will be praying for you, and we are here if you need anything!