Saturday, July 12, 2008


So our Salt water fish tank is going well! So much work that I never kbew went into having a salt water fish tank but we really love it! Reese says good bye and Hello to our little Nemo everyday! And me and Tomas really enjoy watching the tank progress... It'll be a few more months before we can get another fish and some pretty corals, some corals out there are in the hundreds so it will be a long while to we have a beautiful underwater garden which is what me and Tomas both want... I wanted to get all the fish from Finding Nemo but there are some big misconceptions with that movie! I wanted the whole theme, but you would need a huge HUGE TANK to be able to have all those cool fish and you can't have a reef tank with that many fish. We will probably get a dori although she gets pretty big and our tank is only 40 gallons but we will see, also we are going to get a shrimp like "joc" from the movie he is a cleaner shrimp, and we will get a starfish, we can't get "gill" the black one that wants to always escape in the movie he is very hard to maintain, and the blowfish are very aggressive can only be with certian types of fish but the yellow on that goes "bubbles bubbles bubbles we can get him.. But we can only have like three fish in a reef tank so we have too decide! But I really like having the tank but it is a chore and an everday thing, On Mon and Fri I have to add 3 diffrent componets to the water four hours apart and on Tues and Thurs I have to add Vitamins and every two weeks I have to do a water change, take five gallons out and add five new gallons in. And watch for when the water gets low and add some fresh water to top it off! I get my water tested almost everyother day just for the beginning to make sure my tank won't crash! YA LOTS TOO DO!!! But know what I enjoy it! :) Here are a few pics!

Here is our little Nemo, he always stays in the darn corner for now as soon as we can get him some friends and some ananemone to play in he will venture around the whole tank... He knows when feeding time is everyother day and he always swims right up to my hand when I put some food in for him ;)

We have about eight crabs in there right now and they are very helpful with the live sand and live rock they eat the bad algae that collects on the rocks, I hope these two are just playing cuz if they want to move into a new shell they eat whatever is in the shell they want :)

We have five snails wich are vital to the tank they really are great little cleaners and suck off tons of bad things that are not suppose to grow but they leave the things like corals and good bacteria there! Note if you have a salt water tank get a few snails they work wonders!

These are our small coral Frags, they will start growing and become very pretty, if your going to get way into the corals you wanna start with some small frags and see how they do, one of ours is dong great the other hasn't opened yet.

ONE DAY!!! Ya this tank is amazing it is a little bit bigger than ours! And there is probably FIVE GRAND worth of corals and fish, one of the corals in there near the top is 900 bucks alone! insane.. I would love to have a tank this amazing but I can't see myself spending that kind of money on a fish tank... Now on a kick ass vacation yes! But still it would be nice to come home to that everyday!

Oh and Ps while I was making this post, Tomas text'd me and Nicole Richie is eating at the Olive Garden with her cute baby Harlow!! Cool Huh, I know she is kinda crazy but she always made me laugh! :)


Unknown said...

Ok the fish tank is mucho work! Good lord I could never clean out five gallons of dirty water and then hall five more in. Geez, go you.

As for the Nemo...Paul and I love it! Paul said, "You Thomas wanted that skull in there...ha-ha!"


Thomas had better have got a picture of miss Nic and her baby!

Ashley E. said...

WOW! I got lost about half way down.. that all seems like alot of work! BUT it sure is cool! :)