Monday, July 28, 2008


Well, guys are family just got a bit bigger!!! And all hell has broken loose at the house, but I really am enjoying it! As most of you know Me and Tomas love Dogs, we have had two beautiful dogs a Great Dane named swoop and A Rottwieler named Rahza, and i had to adopt both of them out because we had too move and you know how that goes, but both are doing well, I get emails here and there from the families, it sucked giving them up but I had just had a baby and had to keep them outside, and they hated being in kennels... So anyways here is the story, we were driving up to snowbird to hang with my family and at the 9000 s off ramp this car in front of us swerves and there is this small little dog in the middle of the Freeway, I was like " oh my hell tomas that is a dog!" So, I jump out cars everywhere and grab the little guy it was a yorkie silver, we call the shelter and it was sunday so they were closed so we drive him back to the house pick up some food and leave him in our laundry room till we got home... WEll got home and Reese just loved the little guy chased after him and wanted to play play play, and the little guy was up for it! So we decided that if he didn't have a chip when we took him in on Monday that we would keep him we called our landlady she told us it would be fine just an extra twenty a month. Well took him in and sure enough he had a chip and his owner had called everywhere looking for him, "Rock" had jumped out of his window somehow survived and he had to turn around and by the time he flipped the u and waited for the light we had already got him, he gave us twenty bucks and was like thanks so much... Well, hmmm now what do me and Tomas want yep a damn dog. Oh blah we just laugh but we found one thats perfect.. Another Great Dane and we named Her Swoop as well Swoop Jr! And I love her!!! Reese and Halle love her two she is such a sweet dog already, the potty training is coming along, We have hardwood floors so that makes life so much easier,, We are also potty training Reese so pee is everywhere I feel!! LOL But its making me clean up a lot more!!

So cute!

And we also Finally Got Dori, She is really small and hids lots but when she gets bigger she will start cruising around more!!! Every night Reese says goodnight Dori Goodnight Nemo!!


Brent~April~Kennley said...

Such a cute little puppy!!!! You guys are awesome to find that little guys family:)

Unknown said...

So I got your message yesterday, sorry I didn't get it the day you actually called...not that we could have come, but still. I am neck deep with school work. This week is finals and I just want to curl up in a ball and die. SO this week is not even in the realm of possibilities for getting together. Once school is done though IT'S ON!

Um did I mention you just bought a horse?? HA!

Chinoville said...

What a cute puppy! I bet Reese is in heaven. Nice Dori fish too. We miss you guys.

CBS said...

Oh boy Jayce! As I was reading I got excited that you got a SMALL dog...but then I kept reading a found that she did belong to someone and you got suckered into getting another freaking huge dog! What are you going to do with it when its huge and you have no back yard?! I think you're crazy:) But it is a very cute puppy. Too bad it doesn't stay that small!

Ashley E. said...

AH!!!! So that is your surprise! I will have to come by ASAP and play with your cute cute puppy! :)

K+C=M+K said...

Ahh! That is so cute! ya know, Finding Nemo happens to be one of my favorite movies ever:)

Chinoville said...

Ya we wish you guys were here too. This next month before school starts is going to be a long one. I am so sad to say that only Gabe will be going to the wedding. We decided that since it is such a long drive and we will only be able to stay for one day that it is too much and we would rather not risk our lives (because we would for sure fall asleep at the wheel) that only Gabe will fly out. I am sooooo bummed out about the whole thing. :(

Amy Lou said...

Oh my goodness!! You guys and your pets :) LOVE IT!!! She is cute :) She is going to be large and in charge thats for sure!! Swoop was SO BIG! You guys are so good to take the little thing in :)