So I went to the hospital and got induced around 7 and I had Halle at 12:30 :) 7 pounds 1 ounce. And she is perfect such a sweet little girl.. Here is Tomas cutting the ambilical cord. Pretty gooey blue baby.
Our Doctor, Doc Fergeson he is the reason we stayed in Brigham. We really liked him, and I liked delivering at Brigham the nurses were great. And we were the only ones there the first night.
Reese was really great at the hosptial. She kinda just stared at Halle for a bit but she held her and gave her kisses and since we have been home the poor thing has been real sick but is doing very well with me having to hold halle all the time and she has just been getting lots of extra attention from Tomas.
First time as a Family. :)
Such a sweet girl.. She did so well with breastfeeding latched right on. However they are killing me now so ripped up! Blah
Tomas Is such a great dad and husband he as been takin care of all us gals. Th cleaning, cooking and taking care of Reese pretty much all by himself. Letting me nap and being so sweet. Thanks baby ")
She really doesn't look a thing like Reese. And she has so much black hair.. We can't really tell who she looks like yet but she has my nose for sure..
Lets hit the Road! by the way she screamed when she had to get into the car seat. I can't believe how small babies are.. And she is so so petite.
So the hospital food was just awful! Really not good. I probably had 20 little cans and a crap load of graham crackers! thank you thank you Channa and Kass and my Family for bringing me food! :)
Wow Jayci, she is so beautiful! I am glad everything went good and you are all home! Kudos for you husband! What a great guy! Reese looks so grown up and so much like you in the pictures! I love Halle Jay! Cute name! Well, congrats and good luck with the next couple months!
Can you email me your mailing address?
Sorry! I guess I should tell you it!
CONGRATS!!!! She is a doll :) Glad everything went good for you!
Congratulations! She is such a pretty baby!! You know how some are a little scary looking at first (they grow out of it, of course), but only to everyone except for the mom and dad? Well, that's not the case here... you can legitimately think you have a beautiful baby=)!!
congrats! She is so pretty:) Glad everything went well!
So sweet:) I love her! Please call if I can do anything to help. I'm glad Tomas is taking good care of you girls...but tell him to watch his mouth around your little angel!
Congratulations. She is so cute. I am glad that all went well. I wish I was close to bring you dinner or something. Keep me updated on how it is to have 2 kids. :)
Jayci! She is sooo cute! I have been waiting impatiently for pictures. I'm glad you are home safe and back on the blogging scene. Congrats to you both!
Jayci, I just came across your blog! Congratulations on the baby, both your girls are adorable! I can believe you have two already, that is crazy. I hope you are all doing great.
~Tori (McArthur)Tuft
ps. for the breastfeeding pain, I've heard that black tea bags soaked and held onto you for about 10 min can do wonders!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited to meet her MONDAY! If you could drop me an e-mail and let me know where to come and what time your house is the brightest, that would be fab. Or call me. I have a wedding tomorrow, but I will be around Sunday.
Yaay! Im glad it all went well she is adorable! And I totally love b.c hospital too The nurses are awesome!! Congrats
CONGRATS.. She is adorable. I am so happy for you guys. I cant wait to come see her. Reese is getting so big. What a doll....
She is adorable. We miss you guys!
Hey Jayci...
So adorable!!! Makes me a tiny bit baby hungry. Ive been waiting patiently for pictures sure glad you finally posted. I love b.c. hospital. I wish I would have known you were there I would have stopped by.
Yeah!! Congrats Jayci, you are one tough mama! She is a BEAUTIFUL baby and it must be so exciting having her here (and not in your belly anymore) How you feeling? Oh, I'm just so happy for you guys!
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