Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So I just got done watching this documentry on Walmart!! And I am so freaking shocked! I AM NOW NEVER SHOPPING THERE AGAIN! My dad will be so proud he hates walmart as well and will not shop there! Pretty Much Walmart is bad from every angle! To how they treat there employees to how they treat the enviroment! It is so sad some of the things they have done!! In the Documentry it takes you too the factory's in china and ya you will wanna cry!! To all the Robbery's in the walmart parking lots! Rape,robbed ,held at gunpoint and walmart did nothing about it for so long! They installed sercurity cameras but wouldn't pay someone 8 bucks an hour to moniter it!! Uh whats the point if there is no one watching the camera! Anyways if you have comcast on demand its under the Free movies! Me and Tomas shopped at Walmart lots its cheap and you can get everything at once, but in all actuality its hurting so many many people! And the customer service is Ridiculous! SO I CHALLENGE YOU ALL TO NOT SHOP AT WALMART! and if you think I'm going to shop there go and rent the documentry on Walmart against America and I promise it will change your mind! Get educated and then make a decsion don't just sit back and not care! LOVES ;)


Kati said...

I totally hear ya! I remember when walmart opened in Brigham and I was working at Smiths and we got fed all the dirty info about Walmart. What can I say- I still shop at Smith's- but there is that occasional slip... I am so glad you post your opinions on your blog! I am always getting in trouble for that!!!

Your last post--- man! The moments we go through as moms!!!!! It can get so hard! But one thing is for sure- you will totally laugh so hard thinking back about it! You sure had a great attitude- you handled it awesome!

Ash said...

Thanks for the info. I will definitely check the documentary out. Jesse refuses to shop at Wal Mart, but it's so close and cheap that I do.

Amy Lou said...

My dad hates it too.. He calls it the whore of the earth!! LOL.. Sorry but I love Wallyworld.. I'm all about saving a buck or two.. LOVE YOU!!!