Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So as the day comes to a close I know that it is when the girls are tired from the day and a bit fussy, so I have been trying to take them on walks and get them outside more around five ish so bedtime will be a welcomed thing instead of lounging around and Reese throwing herself on the floor and Halle fussing for two hours! So I called Ash up and said you wanna go grab a sandwich and would you like to walk! She was up for it I just love that girl! So went on a walk got blimpies the girls were in great spirits, got home and sat on the porch and decided that we wanted a Spoon Me! Fun little treat here in SLC! Well its like 13 blocks away no big deal went there grabbed soem spoon me and then headed home well Halle had had it! So she fussed in the stroller all the way home about two blocks away from my house it was full blown crying she was Hungry and wanted to be home!!! Well I hadn't eaten anything all day exept for some pancakes early this morning I just forgot too eat! LoL Blah! So I was a bit sick and had too go to the bathroom, well right when we walked in the door Halle starts Screaming so I think okay hurry out her in the bath and then go to the bathroom, so start the bath and upon inspection Reliaze Reese is covered in chocolate so I have to hold her in the bathroom, all the while trying to get Halle bathed, and all the while still needing to go to the bathroom!!! I Stripp Reese down turn on the water and put her toys in, pull Halle out put her on the bed wet and screaming now at the top of her lungs, and hurry and throw on a diaper and some pj's! FREAK I HAVE TOO GO TO THE BATHROOM!! But the water is still runnning run into the bathroom about to overflow Reese is dumping cupfuls of water on the floor, decide to just hurry and bathe her too! HAlle is so steaming mad and just screaming on my bed!! And then my milk comes in!! FREAK Luckily I 'm already covered in water anyways so who cares!! Hurry and wash Reese throw her on the bed diaper pj's brush hair and I will just go put her down for bed!! Get downstairs can still hear Halle poor thing Reese wants to watch Toy story, what is it with Disney Movies and all the Damn previews AAAHHHH and you can't just skip to the main menu you got to skip each one individally! FOR THE FREAKING LOVE!!! So finally get to the main menu say prayers press play say goodnight!! Fly up the stairs and I have to go right now, I feel sick Halle can scream just a bit longer, ya there was no toilet paper!!! Holy Hell I just sit there Laughing, but someone is looking out cuz on the sink is a package of baby wipes!! Go into my room scoop up Halle who is a tomatoe, our central air is broken at the moment too, and my house is so so Hott, grap too glasses of water and sit on the couch to feed Halle accidentally dump one glass over! and sit there feeding Halle just compltley exhausted, go lay her down and fall on my bed wondering why the hell I thought lets take them for a walk right before bed and how women Handle more than two children Hell how do they handle one!!! :) One of my favorite moments as a mother is when they are both put down for bed and I can just sit for a moment and just Breathe!!! :)


Ash said...

Jayci! Oh my gosh. I cannot believe it. I just can't. Nope, I still don't believe it. How are you? I have not talked to you in honestly YEARS. Oh, your family...soooo happy for you.

Chinoville said...

Crazy!! I have to say you sound like supermom! I've had those crazy days...don't know how I got through them. When my girls were Reese and Halle's ages Gabe was working and going to school full time, it was like being a single parent. We do what we have to do as moms I guess! But hey, I bet your girls slept well through the night!

Tori said...

You have officially got me freaked out to have two girls. Thanks a lot! :) Hope things get easier, soon!

Kipp and Ashlee said...

Holy crap! I'm exhausted just reading it all! What a good mom just to be able to laugh it off.

Jared and Jess said...

Wow, what a day you had! I am glad you could laugh through it. Most people would cry!
Ok, you have me scared to have this second baby too. :)

Erin said...

Don't you just love days like those. I have definitely had my share of days like those where everything is going terrible and on top of it you are starving to death or about to pee your pants but of course the mom always comes last in everything and has to wait just to go to the bathroom. I've even experienced those days without any air conditioning and just a window cooler. I would just strip down my kid and try to stand in from of the cooler while feeding the baby. You do whatever it takes to stay sane. I'm glad I'm not the only mom who has days like those. I'm sure we will both have more days like those in our lives but hopefully there are more good days then bad ones. Who ever said being a stay at home mom was a breeze obviously has never had kids. Its hard!!! Thanks for the post to tell how being a mom really is. Its hard and its not always fun but its definitely worth it in the end.

Ashley E. said...

LOL! So thats what happened when i left???? OMG! I'm sorry I left.. I would have loved to see that! I love ya and can't wait to go on a spoon me walk again!!! Or maybe we should try lunaberry??? :)

Unknown said...

LOL! As much as I feel bad, dang that's funny. :)