So Reese better become an Artist with all the Drawing the little worm has been up too! I'm to tired to take pictures of MY COUCHES, MY BED SHEETS, MY WALLS, SWOOP, THE FRIDGE, AND ALL IMPORTANT PAPER WORK. Tomas works at a restaurant and he needs pens throughout the whole day, and they somehow sneek there way into our house by the dozens! I threw away over THIRTY of those little "BICS" last month and somehow Reese always finds them, and now knows to run off with one while I'm feeding HAlle, taking swoop out. I can't keep my eyes on her ALL THE FREAKING TIME I wish I could. The little RugRat! Don't let the cute face fool ya, she is up too NO good! I've only caught her in the act once and I punished her, but the other times I just found the pen everywhere I walk her over and tell her she shouldn't be doing this but really I can tell she's thinking, "mom I could really give a damn" lol! Blah! I hope this is a faze!
Anyways THANKSGIVING was Great! Tomas made the whole meal, turkey, yams, pie, mash potatoes, EVERYTHING and it was super good! Its hard to be in charge of making the meal its alot of work! BUt we had a good time...
I am excited for CHristmas we are going to put up the tree this week Tomas has three whole days off. YIPPEE!
Hey I know now we can get together! And I can try to beat you at friends! haha that's a joke! Speaking of I'm watching the one where Rachel has Emma right now. (I'm suck a Geek!) That's all I ever do! Oh Brett is going to be doing security for Allied Barton. That's what he was doing up here but this is tons better hours and he is starting to do insurance so it will give him more time to do that too.
Paul went thruogh this exact same thing!!! Sheets, walls, on top of tables, underneith tables EVERYWHERE!!! Oh and it all started the same! Brad bringing home pens from work! Good luck with it girl! The little sneaky buggers!!!
Oh my FREAKIN hell, that is such a hot pic of Edward..nummy nummy.
I hear you about the drawing, but Brock when he was little found a black per/marker and colored EVERYTHING in his room.....I tell you what you could hide them ALL, and they would still find away,it's the brain of a
He made all dinner, KUDOS to the hubby!
Ah, your little artist, just get an empty frame and put it around where she drew on the wall, and nobody will know. So I'm completely adding to your twilight addiction, but I found something you should put on your Christmas list... go to
Twilight Inspired Aprons
Sorry Tomas
Hey can you give me your e-mail so i can add it to my blog before i go private?
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