Thursday, April 17, 2008


So anyone that really knows me.. knows that I am not the best at cleaning, I am in a word Lazy! I have stepped up lots since getting married and becoming a mother, but I cannot CANNOT! for the life of me keep up with my laundry! It just piles and piles and piles! and before I know it I don't know whats clean and whats dirty and its just everywhere... And with four of us now its like impossible.. Halle is a spit up baby, she goes thru like 5 outfits a day and Reese get hers dirty as well, Me I am in sweats all the time! LOL and Tomas is going to start taking his stuff to the dry cleaners. LoL cuz his dear wife can't iron ( i had one brother and he didn't live with me, I don't know how to get a damn crease in the shirts or pants!) So sad :( But people say just do one load at a time.. well ok but then there is the folding, and then there is the putting away, and then there is reese pulling all that you've put away onto the floor again. Its helpless.. Thanks for letting me Vent! :)

Ya all those clothes there need to be washed still blah!

And these clothes are the waiting to be folded fresh out of the dryer!

And here is the laundry thats folded and need to be hung up ! LOL


CBS said...

K so I actually LOVE doing landry. Nothing better than clean clothes:) Here are my tips. Get a few different hampers and organize them as the get dirty... Comprende?
Example: have a white basket just for socks & garments...etc. That way once a basket is full you don't have to just throw that hamper into the wash.

Another tiP: i don't love folding clothes SO..don't fold the annoying things like socks! I jsut throw all Bradys socks in his sock drawer. It works!

ANd i don't iron Bradys dress shirts or anything actually! The dry cleaner is wonderful and only like $1.40 to wash and iron a shirt! Thats a deal to me!

Erin said...

Hey Jayci, I've looked at your blog every once in a while off of other peoples blogs and thought I would give you a tip that has worked for us. I agree with the separating as they get dirty so you just have to throw the hamper in as it gets full. Also something that has really helped me because I've got me, my husbands and two very messy kids. I have pulled out 9 outfits for the kids, 9 pairs of underwear, socks, whatever of our clothes and then put everything else away. You can do whatever you want but put some of their clothes away, box them up so you can't go as long without doing the laundry. That way big piles don't build up. If you don't want to do that because you like all the variety then you could still put away YOUR clothes because you aren't growing as fast as your kids. You could put some of yours away in a box and then every month switch out the clothes you are using because then you feel like you have all new clothes again. That way you are doing the laundry more frequently, like once a week you are doing a batch or white, dark, towels, lights, whatever but the task doesn't seem as daunting to do because there are alot less clothes to wash, fold, and put away. Also never buy a mans shirt that isn't wrinkle free and I have no idea how to put the crease in the shirts I say who cares as long as the shirt has no wrinkles its not that big of a deal or just take them to the dry cleaner and save yourself the stress of trying to iron with two little kids around you or doing it while they are asleep and you just want your down time. Try out using less clothes, it really does help. We have also done this with toys, our kids have so many toys and they only play with about a 1/3 of them but dump out all of them whenever they play with them so I put away 2/3 of their toys so there is less to pick up and then after a month or so I just switch out the toys the kids are playing with. It works out really good because my kids forget about the toys that I put away so when I change them out they are all excited for new toys to play with. It makes cleaning easier and quicker with less toys, clothes, dishes whatever you want to do.


Ashley E. said...

OKAY MISS.. I have seen those piles in person AND i do know how to iron guys shirts because i worked at that wedding dress/tux shop.. SO if you would like me to teach you one day i would love too :)

Unknown said...

So basically I can be the exact same way. Right now I have a pile of cloths in my closet that are dirty and then to hampers full of cloths that are clean but have now been sitting there so long that I feel like I need to clean them.

I like to just load everything in bags and take it to the laundry mat, use 6 machines and get it all done at once! ha!

Anonymous said...

Jayc!!! How are you I am so excited to hear your good news.... call me when you can! alisha

Kati said...

I think you need a clean start. That is what I always have to do when I get in your situation (like once a month). I have to dedicate one full day to constant laundry. wash. Dry. Put away. Repeat. It is so hard and takes the endurance of a marathon runner - OR A 500 yd SWIMMER- so you've got it in you! You can do it- and it will feel SO GOOD to have it all done! I wish you luck- mine is just starting to pile up again and I haven't let is sence we started trying to sell- I have got to get on top of it!

You want to go to the Gardens this week?? Let me know!

Lindsay said...

Sorry not much help on the laundry deal, I HATE laundry myself and so I often have enormous piles as well! How are the kiddos doing, did Halle get her 2 month shots? You need to post some pictures of them I bet Halle is growing like crazy like my little Reese :)

Erin Taylor said...

haha... that is so funny about Deal or no Deal!!!! i love it!!!!
i was thinking about starting a support group that specializes in laundry hating... you can be vice president... it is also going in minor ini TWILIGHT obsessions... since we are both infected with both.... you are a perfect fit for a vice president!!!

i love your blog... i frequent it!!!! that 99 balloons vid made me cry and cry can cry!!! yikes!!!!!

im going to add you to my blog if that is ok?