Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hey hey starngers...
I have not died! Promise been without the internet for a bit. Decided to spend my comcast payment on massages for me and Tomas! HA.. He comes home on Sat and I cannot CANNOT WAIT!!! Me and the girls are so excited! We are going to party it up the whole 4 days he is home!! Things are going good with us, I still love Flemings and swoop is still alive!!! Been going to parks with Rats, Alisha was freaking out but channa was there to beat them away with sticks.. Been going to the bloody luandry matt! that Blows but laundry gets done super quick! Had artic circle for dinner on a laundry basket at the laundry matt!!! YA so white trash!! Love it! Anyways! Been going out with Friends and spending time with the girls! Jens baby charlie is adrorable, kristina is getting married, Jared and keri moved into there beautiful new home, jessie got married! My hair is back blonde again and super super short! Amy saved the day!! Will post pictures soon promise! Anyways miss the internet terribly! Haven't been able to keep up with the Gossip and such!!! Emimen and Mariah anyone!!! Love his song!!! Don't worry its three songs down! But hope all is well out there you guys i'm thinking of ya and every chance I get too the internet I see the goings on!! MUAH lata skatas


Brent~April~Kennley said...

I saw your new hair on freakin CUTE!!! To tell you the truth, I 'm not sure how the page of all the girls dews were on my homepage!! Who is it that cuts your hair? I need a new style and need a good hairstylist!!!

Kati said...

Miss ya girl! I am so glad things are going good for you! Yahooo that Tomas will be home soon!

kristina said...

I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Do you feel like the luckiest girl in the world that you get to be my witness?..he,he, just teasing.
Why don't you come up here and do that laundry? Or I'll do it for you.
See you tomorrow lover.

Chinos :) said...

Hey april ya just at work!! Amy does my hair and she is fabulous! She really has style, she has a blog on mine its under mark and amy go check her out!! I see you facebook too!!!

Brent~April~Kennley said...

WOW, she is amazing! I'm thinking I need to give her a call and see if she can give me a new style!!!! I have to admit I facebook more than I blog!

Amy Lou said...

Thanks for the shout out J!!! You're my boy blue :)

P.S. next time you decide to bleach your "black-to-blonde-to-black.....back to blonde" head BY YOURSELF.... CALL ME!!!!!!!!! Your hair will thank you! ha ha Good thing you look SUPER sassy with such a short fun do!

Love ya... Enjoy your time with your hubby!